This has been one of those weeks.
As I said in my last post, the plan for this week was to book a health test with the doctor. I'm not putting it off, I promise, but this week's gone by in a blur.
The beginning of the week started at the hospital for a last minute consultant appointment for Han. Apparently they'd got it booked but we knew nothing about it until the night before. It was a new consultant too who was really nice, but hadn't quite figured out how the hospital system worked yet. As a result we ended up sitting in random departments for ages that we didn't need to be in because he'd intended us to have follow up appointments booked and notification sent through the post, but gave us the paperwork to actually send us straight to the various departments. They of course had no idea why we were there. He did manage to actually get something started about her depression though which is something the others seemed to brush over.
After we left the hospital it was time for a shopping trip to prepare Finn for Wednesday. He had a school trip all about careers and had to go dressed as if for a job interview. I've never seen him look so smart and grown up, it was quite scary to be honest, especially since I still see him as that cute little blond boy with his Thomas the Tank Engine train set.
He did brilliantly on the trip though, only one mark off 100% and was told he'd done the best interview they'd had for years. He said; "Do you know how I scored so well Dad? I was just myself." That's something I may have to remember for myself. Job interviews absolutely terrify me.
Thursday was Han's photo shoot. Honestly, the best advice I can give anyone living with a pregnant woman who is feeling down because her body is no longer her own and is feeling frumpy & unattractive, treat them to a day of being pampered and treated like a model. (I found a deal for it on Wowcher that only cost £9 and included £100 worth of vouchers off wall sized prints.) It was a boudoir shoot so there was lots of posing on beds, chaise lounges and that sort of thing in her best underwear. They treated her brilliantly and did her hair and makeup very retro 1940s complete with victory rolls which is a style she absolutely adores. We've been to see the proofs today and chose the one we get for our free print. I have to say she looked incredible in it, very 'pin up' and a little like the singer Paloma Faith. The entire point of the exercise was to make her feel attractive and womanly again, the photo is just a keepsake to remind her, but it was the pampering and the way they treated her that was the reason I booked it. She was supposed to be there 2 hours but eventually came out after 3 1/2! I dropped her off and went for a wander around the city while she was there. (Being from a small town we don't get in very often.)
It worked brilliantly, when she came out she was so relaxed and was smiling more than I've seen her do in a while. It was exactly what her confidence needed. She took a photo when she got home to prove it.
Besides all this and work, we had my cousin's surprise 50th birthday party last night which included her best friend visiting from Germany. They haven't seen each other in nearly 10 years.

The lessons from this week seem to be:
1, Always be flexible with plans, life often happens and get in the way.
2, Being the father of a 15 year old is just as scary as actually being 15 yourself. Growing up is a shock.
3, My cousin turned 50! When did we stop being the kids?
And most importantly,
4, Never forget to pamper the woman you love when she needs it. Just a small token can mean so much and remind her just how beautiful you think she is.
As for booking in to the doctors, I'll get that done this week. I'm honestly not delaying even though my New Years resolution was to take up procrastination. That's something I might leave until tomorrow though. ;)